Wednesday, February 4, 2015

One of Those Weeks

Hey All!

Well, you know those weeks when you feel like this:

And you expect yourself to go around like this?

Well needless to say, it's been one of those weeks. So the theme of this week had been very timely as we've been talking about your character, who you are and who you want to be. 

One of the things that stuck out to me from class was the importance of being resilient. Recently I served a mission for the LDS church and something my mission president taught us about was being resilient. "Life can bend you out of shape, pull you thin or squish you flat, but what matters is your ability to come back to form." 

I think that one of the key things is to remember that there's nothing wrong about being bent out of shape. About life trying to blow you over. What does matter is if you let yourself get stuck in that place where life puts you. 

Either you can be someone that life controls, or you can control life. Granted you can't see the future, and some events are out of your hands, but who it makes you is your decision. 

I've heard it said that your past defines you...perhaps, but allow me to argue that you decide what it is your past defines. You set the tone, the shading, the theme music, all of it. That's your decision. So don't give up your ability to act. Fate? Fate is what you make of it. 

So when those out of whack days come, decide the soundtrack, pick the setting, then dive in. Life can only do so much. :)


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